Premier full-service entertainment company
360 Entertainment International, LLC (360EI) Bridges Adjacent Forms of Media —
Film, Television, Music, Live Events, Radio and Press

Millions of viewers are serviced through three divisions: 360EI Films, 360EI Records, 360 Marketing & Design; and, a subscription based, online entertainment and media portal, (NWS) — the focal point of all 360EI media.

  • 360EI produces, promotes, and presents local and international artists, filmmakers, and producers. They (NWS subscribers) provide rich, fresh content that attract a multicultural audience and an international base of tourists to events; and drive traffic to

A distinguished executive team headed by Don Fryson, President & CEO; and Voza Rivers, Executive Producer & Chair of the Board, leads global operations.

  • Headquartered in Florida (#1 tourist and entertainment destination in the world), 360EI has regional divisions in New York City, Philadelphia, So. California, Hyderabad (India) and Tokyo. (See About Us)

Accomplishments include: 360EI TV Shows Dance Kingdom and Tiralo al Medio aired to more than 5,000,000 households. Emerging star signed with 360EI Records and hit billboard charts. NWS Artists performances at prestigious events. 360EI On the Air radio show broadcasts in Florida / Caribbean — streams worldwide.